Monday, February 28, 2005

Blessing Out In The Open

Each Friday evening Charlotte looks forward to setting the table for Shabbat with her Daddy when he returns from work. Tablecloth, candlesticks, wine goblet, grape juice, Challah tray, Challah cover, Challah, and some other things I can't remember but I'm sure she would.

Before dinner is served we bless the candles, wine and grape juice. Charlotte enjoys joining in on these blessing but I guess we didn't realize how much she is involved.

Last week I did some Dollar Store shopping for some playtime Shabbat tablesettings for Charlotte's IKEA table. On Saturday morning, she set her small table, sat with her Bunny and began to say a blessing over the candles: "Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheynu Melech HaOlam, Asher Kidshanu Bmitzvotav Vitzivanu, L'hadlik Nare Shel Shabbat".

David and I stared at eachother and tried to not to distract her from this amazing task. This is the longer of the blessing (shorter end in HaOlam and a short ending) and not one we rehearse with her at all other than Friday evenings. She is now saying the blessing over and over to anyone who is interested in hearing.

This is not a blessing in is a blessing out in the open for sure....shinning in our presence. G-d has blessed us with her.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

A Wider Selection of Wine with your Cheese

We are trying to figure out tactics and strategies that will reduce Charlotte's whining. She seems to ask for things in such a distasteful whinny voice and mostly when she's with David. Any ideas? We are trying to impress upon her that she can have almost every reasonable request granted when she asks in a normal voice. Then again, if this is the only side effect of age Two...not bad at all.

Friday, February 25, 2005


When sorting through some magazine clippings that I've got in a folder for her, Charlotte announced, "that movie is at Savta and Papa's house", referring to Monsters Inc.. Then she added, "maybe we need one for our house?!"

Ah, the consumer in all of us has sprouted in Charlotte :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Other Hand

My Dad says that this is delightfully imaginative and I just say it is quite quirky.
Charlotte has been scolding one hand for doing bad unto the other: taking bread, hitting herself, etc.. She does not do this for attention...I've given her none. It seems like an internal conversation. Comments?

Monday, February 21, 2005

Back Again

So, now, after I've had strep and Charlotte had three days of temps between 102 and 103.5, I'm back to the blog. There were many things worth commenting on but I jotted down 0 of them. Usually I use a notepad stuck to the fridge but nope!
I'll see if I can jog my memory at all.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Difficult Words

Boy, some words or phrases are incredibly difficult to say.
Today, we began our preschool day by climbing and traversing an Obstacle Course. Goodness, did she try to say that phrase throughout the day. "Obsooltors", "Abboters" and finally, "We climbed up steps and over pillows and went down a slide". Too funny.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

New Table

It is amazing to think that Charlotte learns from each moment of her day. This is apparent as we set out her new IKEA table that we finally painted and put together. Immediatly, if not sooner, Charlotte sat her Bunny down and set the table with plastic dinnerware from Aunt Dara. She invited Bunny to dine with her and enjoyed her new table.

And I thought that I'd have to "teach" her about setting the table. I'm even going to get her some dollar store cloth napkins to fold and set. She is sure to ask for Shabbat-ware!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Updates and Back on Track

Now that the first trimester ickiness seems to be behind me for teh mostpart...I will be back on track with writing and attempt to get back to my daily installments of fun and frolic from the life of Charlotte Dahlia.

Some updates:

* Charlotte is using the word "perfect" in an interesting way:
"that would be a perfect size for Bunny" - referring to a pair of leggings.
"some noodles with lunch would be perfect".

*Charlotte has been creating appropriate alternate meanings words such as: when I stepped in front of the TV she said that I had "dissappeared it".

Ah, the language of toddlers.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Land of Make-Believe

Ahh, how the make believe world is one filled with joy and fun. Bunny is one lucky animal with daily feedings of yummy food, baths, and much love. Charlotte has found an entry way into this terrific world. She can spend much time expressing herself quitly and sometimes not so quietly in a magical mystical way. It is interesting to hear her flesh out scenes that do not include "real toys" and come up with desires such as some "make believe cheese for bunny".

If you're every a bit blue...just find your key to the land of make believe. The door still exists in your dreams.

Growing Up So Quickly Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

To Make You Feel All Better

"Here Eema," Charlotte says with a voice of a tiny angel, "have a toy to make you feel all better."
She is so concerned about my well being and feeling well at all times. She notices when I'm letting the nausea get to me. Charlotte has a deep sense of empathy and will try to do things that you do for her when she is not well. Besides the toys, she will rub my back and give me gentle hugs without being taught this.