Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Long Sentence

So, the doctor asked, at Charlotte's two year appointment - "Does Charlotte speak 3 word sentences?" Well, let's see - an 12 sentence. "I will borrow a pen from you for a moment and give it back to you later".

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Holiday Lights

Not a word was said and Charlotte joined her Aunts and Uncles in extinguishing the candles on the Christmas tree at the Knauth house. Each one takes a candle snuffer and takes a turn at dimming the holiday lights. Charlotte took one and then tried to do all the others even though most were out already. Ah, the toddler experience...her view of life is exciting at every turn - even when the candle is out.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Cheese Please

In the car on the way to Nana's house Charlotte asked, in a continuing mantra, "May I have cheese at Nana's house? May I have cheese at Nana's house?" That's a one track calcium mind!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Cat continued

Aunt Dara's cat Sebastian is not human but Charlotte thinks that he is. "You came back from hiding" she says to him. "Yeah kid", you expect to hear him say in a raspy voice, "I came out to see if you were gone but no such luck". She is quite gentle and tries to walk up to him calmly but a kitty creates such excitement.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Long time update from NY

It's been a long time since we've had an update. There are so many things to tell. The major updates are:
1. a discussion with Sebastian the cat at Aunt Dara's that included showing him a dreidel, pointing out his food and telling him that she like him.
2. "Don't talk about me" being announced when Aunt Michelle and I were talking about her speech.
3. Reaching a new comfort level with cousins Noah and Ethan.
4. Using the phrase "never mind" when she was getting impatient waiting for something.

More to come as the days progress.

Monday, December 13, 2004

More Past Tense

David asked Charlotte how her day was with Eema (me). She replied that she "had a good day with Eema" and that she "dooed an art project".

What is the past tense of DO...DOOED, you silly, thinking it is DID.

Past Tense with a Tummy Ache

On my way home from work I called David to check in. He sounded worse for wear after cleaning up a "stream" of vomit from Charlotte's lunch tray. Obviously, her tummy ache from yesterday is a bit more today.

"I THREWED up", Charlotte said upon greeting me at the door.
I followed her and her smelly tushy with her Daddy to her changing table.
After a short conversation at looking at her round angelic face, she told me,
"I DOED that at my highchair and I feel better."

Oh good little munchkin. Now, with no fever, I need to figure out if we go to preschool at 10:30 tomorrow?

That -ED is a tough ending!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Uniform, Unitorn, Unicorn

I've been to the desert with on a Unicorn with no name.
Charlotte knew before I did when the large box was left at the door: a package for her.
Lillian Vernon - from Marty and BJ.
A beautiful pink rocking Unicorn. At first Charlotte thought it was a horse, then she thought it was a pig (I guess it was the pink) and then did not want to call it a unicorn. Finally, after "uniform", "unitorn" and soon "unicorn". She is quite thankful and has pampered her new friend with gentle brushing.

Last Week

Tonight's dinner was frozen pizza and a squash corn soup. Charlotte enjoyed both and commented that she would rather have Chicken soup. "Chicken soup?", I asked. "Chicken soup from last week", she replied.

Okay, now she knows the phrase "last week". Her timeline for discussing events just wows me.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


There are so many choices. Which animal to take to bed. Which cereal to have in the morning: hot or cold. Which DVD to watch before bedtime and on and on.

At bedtime, Charlotte gets to pick the song she wants to be sung before sleep.
Tonight she announces, in one breath: "ABCs, Wheels on the Bus, and Close Your Eyes." I guess if you get it out in one breath you get all your choices?

Creative decision making at work.

Having a Party

Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah come light the Menorah. Let's have a party, we'll all dance the Horah.

"We're having a party", Charlotte announces with glee as we sing our Chanukah song after lighting the candles.

The table was set, the potato pancakes were yummy and Charlotte enjoyed her first night of Chanukah since her zest for language began.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I Want to Go That Way

David and Charlotte spend Sunday mornings together. I leave for work at 8am-ish and they are just Daddy and daughter til I return at 12:30. Hearing about there time spent is a favorite afternoon smile for me.

Today, the 40 degree weather tempted David to take Charlotte outside, throw out the garbage in the dumpster and leisurly begin a walk around the block. "I want to go that way", Charlotte insisted and led David over to Central and to the left. On they went, each block and corner gave rise to Charlotte saying "I want to go that way", until they reached the park.

Smart girl with a good sense of direction. You've got us all wrapped around your little pinky and led by your pleasant whimsical way.

(Had to write this even though I just finished cooking 60 potato pancakes for various holiday events this week).

Friday, December 03, 2004

Very Very

When I tell Charlotte that I love her, I occasionally ask her "HOW MUCH"...she usually replies: "Bunches and Bunches" but today she said "Very, Very much". So true my little love!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Driving from the Library to Office Depot Charlotte recognizes that we're going toward the Children's Museum. "Museum", she says, "I want to see the Museum." "Not today, Charlotte", I reply. "We did that YESTERDAY", she says.

WOW...can't believe that she gets that concept already. Too cool: Yesterday. Now she can keep track of our weekly schedule even more than she has to this point.