Thursday, June 23, 2005

Please x3 or nothing

Charlotte is a polite girl at heart. We know that when she asks for something kindly that it is not the lack of "Please" that makes it rude. When reminding her that she is not being truly polite she phrases her request as such: (just fill in the blank)
"Please may I please have _________________ please".

I guess she becomes overenthusiastically polite in light of missing that first chance at Please.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

Questions from Charlotte that I've found difficult to answer:

"Is it tomorrow today?"
"Is it next week now?"
"Is it tonight this morning?"

She has some time confusion though she understands that she has a schedule and even knows most of the days of the week. I'm SO confused.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Oh I Love....

We know that Oscar the Grouch loves trash.
How long did it take him to decide that this was his favorite thing in life?

Charlotte loves sand. She can sit in a sandbox at the park for two hours.
How do I know this...well, she did it last park visit and was not near the same mark today but enjoyed every moment. She pours it on herself: feet, arms, legs and will attempt to bury the foot of anyone who will agree to be a test subject. When we arrive home it is necessary to take off all her clothes and wipe her down from head to toe. Ah, bath night is always on Thursdays or any other park day.

And to think that not so long ago Charlotte was phobic about getting dirty.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Monkey Grandparents?

At breakfast, Charlotte sang:
"Papa and Savta jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped their head.
Mama called the doctor
and the doctor said, "No more Papa and Savta jumping on the bed".

Savta = Hebrew for Grandma

Monday, June 13, 2005

15 Minute Story

A 15 Mintue story was told at the dinner table. We sat in awe as she described swimming bunnies that said "glub glub", flying bees and parts we did not understand. Four times we reached THE END and clapped...only to begin again with "Once Upon A Time". This was an amazing adventure and we've got it on tape.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Who Do Love?

Why would Charlotte ask this...she surely knows and maybe was baiting the line?!
To her Savta (Grandma) she asked: "Who Do You Love?"

Monday, June 06, 2005

I Just Love. . .

Upon pulling up to Walgreen's (a local pharmacy/store), Charlotte announced:
"I just love Walgreen's!"

Ah, my little consumer.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Garage Sale

We spent a portion of yesterday morning at Tammy, Jerome and Ava's Garage Sale. They are moving to San Diego in five or six weeks. I'm sad about their move but we had a blast just hanging out and shmoozing while the girls played.

This morning Charlotte asked, "Are we going to Ava's Garage Sale again?"
Does she get the concept or just figures that it is a fun place to sojourn with friends in front of their garage filled with stuff that random people drop buy to sift through and purchase?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Taking my Toys

Why is it that Charlotte shares so nicely when we are with friends or family at our home but she obsesses about people coming over and having them "take my toys"?! It is an interesting phenomena that is going on with her. She has no reservations about letting you play with her stuff except for the Bunny twins (Bobo and Hebrew) but thinking about the playtime gives her angst.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

On the Phone

While at the Kohl's Children's Museum, I asked Charlotte to join me in another exhibit. She motioned to me from the phone she was on near a Chagal painting and said "One moment, I am on the phone".

Ah, the teenage years have begun. Any day now we'll have to get her a private line at home.