Friday, March 25, 2005

I'm Revolving Something

At the Children's Museum of Chicago there are a plethora of activities and playtime things to catch a child's attention. And there she is listening to a phone talking about discrimination and doodling on a paper.

"Come on over Charlotte, it is time to leave this exhibit".
"Not yet Eema, I'm revolving something."

An interesting reply.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Different Take on Fruit

When serving Charlotte some Fruit Cocktail for breakfast due to our lack of Bananas...she annnounced that she wanted more "Peter Cotton Tail". Ah, Fruit has a new spin...a friendly fuzzy creature.

PBS on the Brain

While at library Charlotte eyed an "Arthur" book and announced that his little sister's name was PBS. In fact, it is D.W. and that just made me giggle out loud. We watch Calliou and Arthur each day. One is right on her age level and the other is a bit old but she loves it.

So sorry for the hiatus. Will be more dilligent with writing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

All Alone

Yesterday David told Charlotte that he would be in Pennsylvania for three days. This, on the tail of a one week stay at Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona, had Charlotte saying "I do not want to be alone."

"No," said David, "Eema and Rachel will be here to take care of you."

Charlotte was relieved, brushed it off but tonight called from her DVD watching as I did the dishes and said, "I'm lonely, come watch with me".

I think the kid is ready for us all to be home for a while!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sad Day in Bunny History

Monday was a sad day in Bunny history. For some odd reason Charlotte vomited during naptime. She did not seem so under the weather, does not have a fever and is only still mildly drippy from the nasal area. Nonetheless, she has decimated Bobo Nighttime Bunny and sent me scrambling to the phone to call Build-a-Bear while David rescued her from her smelly clothing.

Love those BAB people. They instructed me on proper surgery procedures to remove said smelly stuffing and launder her, only to await a visit to BAB for a free restuffing when we're actually AT Navy Pier in two weeks.

And, the crying ensued that evening when there was no Bunny. Finally, we gave in and allowe daytime Hebrew Bunny to join her at night. Yes, it's name is Hebrew, she named it and it stuck.

Ah, separation from an animal I had hoped she would not attach so firmly to. UGH. But for now, daytime Bunny is a nighttime friend and others are joining us on our errands and such in town. We'll see what this all means later.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Mop Latin

Charlotte has created her own funny name language: Mop Latin.
She calls herself: Charmop.
Emma: Emmop.
Daddy: Dadmop.
Rachel the babysitter: Rachmop.

It is funny and makes her laugh too.
What would make her think of this?
Creative and a bit strange.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Daddy Blues

After six days of Daddy in Arizona, Charlotte has decided that she was going to spend today with Daddy blues. She has asked for him about a thousand times and made me miss him too.

At this moment, he is on the tarmac awaiting the signal that all passengers may run for the exits. So, the question is: Do I want him to get home before her bedtime and allow her a chance to see him and then possibly not want to go to sleep at all? OR...Do I want him to come home a little later and have him all to myself? It is a serious toss up because his plane has not emptied yet and it is 6:30. Getting his luggage and the taxi ride could push him past 8pm or not. UGH. I'll letcha know.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Feel Better Bunnies

Today Charlotte was under the weather. She's got a bit of a fever, drippy nose and just the ickies. We spent much of the day surfing from one PBS station to Nick Jr. to another PBS station.

During my lunch preparations, Charlotte plopped herself and Bunny on two kid-sized chairs at the opening to the kitchen. She began telling a story to Bunny:

"Once upon a time there was a little Bunny who was very sad. She was not feeling very well and needed some medicine. The medicine did not taste good but she was a good Bunny and ate it all up. The Bunny will feel better soon."

Her grammar astounds me!

A dose of meds before naptime should help your sleep as well my little Charlotte.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Berenstain Country Music

In the car on the way to the library I took a chance and left on some Radio rather than the Wiggles or another children's selection. Ah, 99.5 Country.
"What kind of music is this?"
"Country", I replied.
A pause and the next song begins.
"This is like Berenstain Bears music (referring to their title theme song.
"Ah, yes, it is similar to the Berenstain song but not the same words."
"I like this music Eema".

And now, it is 99.5 Berenstain Country Music:)

Monday, March 07, 2005

A Good Helper

"I Love to go shopping with you Eema"
"We are going to Food4Less"
"I will put apples into the bags"
This is the conversation from the back seat as we head to the supermarket.
"Yes, Charlotte, I love to go shopping with you because you are a good helper."
A pause. Thinking ensues.
"Yes, Eema, I love to go shopping with you because you are a good Eema."

Thank you. I needed that:)

Friday, March 04, 2005

Quote from Cousin Ethan

When eating a granola bar from our home, Ethan noted unhappily that the chocolate parts tasted like Raisins. That's because it was a raisin granola bar...not chocolate hun.


We've got company this weekend: Aunt Michelle and Cousin Ethan.
A couple of quotes from Charlotte are....
"Cousin Ethe is here"
"I like your pretty star necklace" (to Michelle)
"I like your pretty coat" (again to Michelle. such a girl.)
"Can Ethan sleep in my bed?" (no, he's your cousin honey)

They are having a grand time together and are playing like pals.