Sunday, January 30, 2005

Some Cheese With That

And the whining has begun. We're both trying to make sure that it does not grate our skin or make us forget how funny Charlotte is behind the Year Two attitude.

Dinner this evening was homemade Mushroom Soup ala Moosewood cookbook and Falafel. Sadly, the pita ended up being moldy so we resorted to quick oven roasted Tortillas. Charlotte started to pull apart the non-existent halves of the tortilla and enjoyed her veggies, tahini but left the falafel balls. What an interesting way to enjoy a tortilla...did you know that they have layers?

Saturday, January 29, 2005

And the Journey Begins Again

So, you've been wondering why I've been out of sight for so long? Well, the journey begins again, as it did with Charlotte: stuffed sinuses, extereme nausea and weakness. Charlott will be joined by a sibling in September. I am back to writing and you can rely on me to keep up with the Wonders of Year Two.

Monday, January 17, 2005


How nice it is to hear the sounds of "Twinkle, Twinkle" or "Strumming on the Ol' Banjo" coming from her room in the morning or as she is playing in the evening. Charlotte has become a songstress. She enjoys a plethora of songs and sings many of them alone.

Our bedtime ritual includes an acapella duet of David and myself singing requests such as "Little Bunny Cottontail" and "Little Bunny Foofoo". She also enjoys music during breakfast and David has introduced her to U2. She loves "Where the Streets Have No Name" among others.

Music is an important part of our lives.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


There will be a break in writing for a while. My back is officially out of commision. The ache began on Saturday and took its course through last night. This morning's biggest challenge was getting the small human out of her bed. She has been quite helpful. Our babysitter is making some extra money and super-Daddy is returning from California two days early. He'll be home after Rachel puts Charlotte to bed. You won't hear from me for a while. G-d willing I'll be on some kind of muscle relaxant through the weekend.

Monday, January 10, 2005

They Have To Be Cooked

It is interesting that some kids do not put things in their mouths and some do. Throughout Charlotte's life she has not placed non-food items into her mouth. Even this evening, while doing a noodle/glue art project she announced that the noodles - "They have to be cooked".

My little epicurian.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

But I Like to Play with Them

Charlotte has a recent interest in pressing her hands gently against my breasts. She says that they are nice. The only problem is that she enjoys this passtime while on line at the grocery and other public places.

Ah, she is her father's daughter:)

Saturday, January 08, 2005


Charlotte has a bit of a cold...just a runny drippy nose and a tiny cough. She must hear "God Bless You" over and over throughout the day. While changing her diaper, I sneezed and Charlotte chimed "Ah Bless You".

Ah, bless you too Charlotte.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Munster Cheese

I've been eating a piece of fruit and a slice or two of Munster cheese for breakfast each day. This morning Charlotte asked for a slice of cheese. "Here, this is called Munster cheese". Charlotte ate a nibble, if that, and proclaimed that it was yucky. "It is for Monsters", she said and walked away.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

DISsed for a Bunny

Words of wisdom were obviously being rambled at light speed from the back seat. "What did you say?", David inquired. "I'm speaking to Bunny", Charlotte replied. WOW...dissed for a Bunny.

Charlotte has been playing imaginatively with her stuffed friends for a while but only recently (last month) has she engaged in full length discussions and motherly tones with them. "Watch out Bunny, you'll get hurt". "Which color goldfish would you like to eat Bunny". and on and on.

So, before I ask her what she was saying to ME, I've got to listen a bit to make sure she is actually speaking to the parental unit sitting in the front seat:)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Her Own Phone Line

And now she WANTS to speak on the phone and wont let me get a word in edgewise. Who'da thunk that my little girl, the one who despised any note of a suggestion as to talking on the phone, would spend today wanting to talk to Daddy, Aunt Daya (Dara), Unca Micah (Uncle Michael) and Safta. Good for her, not so great for me. We'll have to get her her own phone line.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year, Old Tactics

It is a new year and yet we go back to our old tactics for parenting. Isn't it amazing how the cycle of maturation flows back toward our first thoughts as parents. Charlotte is throwing new challenges our way as she insists on multiple answers to decisions and uses tears as a way to get her way. It is square one and memories of "ferberizing" and mini-tantrums that are now matched with a word master.

Here is a short scenario at breakfast:

Me: "I'll give you two choices for breakfast - hot cereal or cheerios" and I show her.
Her: "I want cold cereal"
Me: "Okay, we're having cold cereal"
Her: As i go off to the kitchen "No, I don't want cold cereal.
Me: Returning with the boxes "One more chance. Which do you want?"
Her: "I want Cheerios".
Me: Going back to the kitchen
Her: From her chair, "I don't want cold cereal.
Me: "That is what you picked and we're both having cold cereal.
Her: A bit of protest and some fake wailing.
She does eat ALL of her cereal as I eat as well. I tell her a "Lassie" story in between bites and jotting down some Thank you notes for all the generous gifts and hospitaliy we received over our holiday vacation in NY. Just as I is back to firm loving stances that are backed by eachother in every way. Together, David and I can make Year Two a joyous time of exploration and choices.