Friday, March 31, 2006

What in the world are Burritos?

For those of you who do not know...Charlotte has an amazing palate when it comes to tasting and enjoying foods. She also LOVES to cook. There is a Betty Crocker Easy Bake Oven out there with her name on it. Aunt Dara and Uncle Adam bought her the greatest kitchen for her b-day and Chanukah. It is the

So, last Wednesday in the car I told Charlotte that I was making a tray of Burritos for the moms that we lunch with.

"Would you like a Burrito for lunch?"
"Yes, please."
LONG PAUSE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"What in the world are Burritos?"

That was the ultimate in food trust.

“Na’aseh V’nishmah”. YES??


It's been way too long and I've missed out on jotting down too many great Charlotte quotes. So, here I begin again. This time it'll just be quotes and such from the mouth of that most sweet little human girl. Soon it'll be her brother too - catching up to her with wit and wisdom - I'm sure.