Saturday, July 30, 2005

Must Be

On our way to apple picking at Homestead Orchards in Woodstock, IL, Charlotte had one of her big word moments.
David pointed out a computer company's headquarters and commented on their manicured property.

"Is that Disney?", asked Charlotte remembering her friend Gwenyth's constant musings at her then upcoming and present trip to the land of Mouse.
"No", said David, "that is a computer company."
"Oh, I thought that was Disney, I must be mistaken."

Happens to the best of us Charlotte.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Aunt Michelle

We have a new playgroup friend named Michelle.
Charlotte learns her friends' names quickly but is occassionally confused by people who have names in common. This is exhibited most hysterically when she calls her new little friend, "Aunt Michelle" because of her Aunt.
It is all so confusing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Caring for the Animals

Charlotte set up a little gathering of animals. There they are, her rocking unicorn, Bobo the Bunny on Tigger chair, and a pile of books. She sits with them and whispers the stories as she turns the pages for them to see.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Food 4 Less

Charlotte loves nice people...don't we all?!
Today when approaching our supermarket she announced, "I just love Food 4 Less".
So do I Charlotte...the people are amazing and the prices are the the best.
We enjoy being pampered by all the staff. Charlotte especially enjoys the complimentary stickers that she gets each time we go.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Prepared for Punishment

There is an occassional need to actually punish our little angel.
A recent "battle" has been Charlotte's propensity to ask for a second potty trip after going to bed within seconds of finishing our bedtime songs and kisses. We've warned her and warned her again to make all her pee pee all at once when we take her before going to bed. Nonetheless, time and time again she waits two seconds or less to ask for another trip.

Last night David told her that if she does this again tonight she would have to forfeit one of her bedtime books.
After her pee pee trip, four bedtime songs, hugs and kisses, we left her room with wishes for a pleasant night only to hear her on the baby monitor in the living room. So, off I went to her room and as I walked in the door I gently reminded her that I was there to not only take her pee pee as requested but needed a book from her bedtime selection.

There she was on her poised in hand and said to me, "I don't like this one much it's for you."

Ah, prepared for punishment and justifying her sad need to give up a book.
We're hoping that she will learn from the consequence even though she is taking it well.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Charlotte alerts us to the fact that she is heading toward the potty so that we can be there to finish the deal (wipe). Today she found us in the back part of the apartment wrapping up some work on a closet filled with boxes.

"I'm going to go poop", she announced, "but you may not come into the pooping area."

I feel priviledged to be allowed to clean her up after this momentus occassion.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Can't Get That Out of My Head

Today we went to the library and as usual borrowed 7-10 books, a CD and two or three DVDs. On our recent run we picked up a copy of "There Was An Old Lady" in cartoon.

At dinner, though we had not watched it yet, Charlotte requested a choir-like rendition of "There was an Old Navy".
Poor kid could not get that phrase out of her head. She repeatedly tried to spit out "Old Lady" but kept the clothing store skipping on her internal record.

Checking for Accuracy

"Eema, in "Finding Nemo" Marlin is Nemo's Daddy and Dori is Nemo's Mommy. Is that correct?" Charlotte asked as she chewed on some tofu and rice for lunch.

I corrected the relationship...Dori just being a friend and she went right on with lunch.

"IS THAT CORRECT?"...kid, your language skills wow me every day.

PS...If Marlin and Dori live together long enough they'll be common law but that's a different story.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Great way to wake up

At 4:05pm I found a little girl standing over my sleeping bod on the couch.
"Wake up my beautiful Eema", she says. "Is it time to wake up yet?"

Ah, what a great way to wake up!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Just Too Long (July 14)

We are having a wonderful time with Andrea and Gwenyth visiting. The girls are enjoying playing, reading and giggling.

For some reason Charlotte had taken to calling Gwenyth - Ethan.
"Why are you calling her Ethan," David asked inquisitively without being upset.
"Her name is long and it is easier to call her Ethan," Charlotte replied.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Where Does She Get This?

David is leaving to go pick up Andrea and Gwenyth from the airport for their 8 day visit.

"Have a safe trip", Charlotte calls after David after he closes the door to our apartment.

"Where does she get this?", he whispers through the door.
"From us", I reply.

Only YOU can teach your child polite and caring behavior.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

In Fact

My girlfriend Jacqui and I were marveling at the mirror our children pose to our frequent use of phrases. Would someone Plllleeease tell me if I say "In Fact".

Charlotte brought me a tissue and asked me if I needed to blow my nose. Then she adds, "In Fact, I've brought you two just in case".

In fact, it made me giggle!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Happy Birthday no clue

This morning was Uncle Adam's birthday. Charlotte has gotten use out of her love of singing by doing so for many a birthday. Poor kid: she's got 20 aunts and uncles and 2 great ones. So when asked for a rendition of the song for Uncle Adam the poor wee one needs a good memory to figure out the end of the line...

"Happy Birthday dear....blah blah....happy birthday to you".

And, oh, remember which Uncle Adam because there are two: Dara's and Aviva's!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Calling all Female Grandparents

Never ask your child to show off.

Last week, Charlotte asked for a toy phone in bed to speak to Nana (David's mom).
So, today we asked Charlotte to tell Nana how much she had wanted to speak to her on a real phone.

Instead of relaying that information, Charlotte told Nana that she had wanted to call Savta (my mom). UGH.

So, like I said, Never ask your child to show off.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

What a Sentence

Charlotte has pleasant memories of our time with visitors and those we visit. She enjoyed time with Mark and Debbie, Miriam and Ivan, Ellen and Rebecca, and Rabbi Michael and his kids.

This morning Charlotte asked, "Which one of Rabbi Michael's kids was hugging me and holding me?"

Wow, that was a long sentence and a keen memory of those she loves to be with.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


There is so much terminology that was unknown and not created as I grew up in the 70s. How funny it is to hear Charlotte use a plethora of words that were not even in my vocabulary until their creation in the mid-80s or even later.

This evening we were sitting on the couch watching one of Charlotte's 30 minute (2 time a day) TV watching times. The DVD comes on and I move past the previews with a touch of a button. The next screen appears and Charlotte says, "Menu".

Soon she'll be using the remote...I'm sure!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


David was sitting at Charlotte's table with her. There are two plain wooden chairs seated at a plain wooden table. Charlotte is eating her snack - a granola bar and some watered down juice (you know this sugar thing). David is reading to Charlotte. She stops him because she has to pee and says, "Pause the book please". Ah, the world of DVDs and VCRs!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Loud Noises

There was a time when Charlotte did not appreciate any loud noises and would greet us with screams and tears in response to this offensive annoyance. We thought that this time in the life of Charlotte was mostly in the past. After booming Klezmer music at a wedding we attended in Toledo, Ohio two weeks seemed that this was a fact.

Today, is July 4 and Charlotte firmly placed her hands over her ears each time a band or aforementioned noise offender would pass by. I guess that she only enjoys certain kinds of loudness. Hmmmm?

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sense of Directions

Charlotte has taken a liking to maps. She enjoys being a part of the navigation during trips both long and short. We've allowed her to have parts of mapquest printouts. David is teaching her the ups, downs and a variety of map reading techniques.

As we drive, Charlotte lets me know when to "turn left", "turn right" and "go straight". Though these directions are just for fun...she does have a clear sense of when we're near home, when we are near the library or children's museum.
Oh good... she's got a sense of direction:)

Friday, July 01, 2005

Back To Blogging

Between our vacation and our computer being down..I'm now, finally, back to blogging.